
Running a successful European Parliament campaign, requires a support team to assist with analytics, competitor analysis, content creation, and PPC. With a short campaign window, it is crucial to ensure that all political party candidates are delivering a consistent message across social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Without the proper support team and tools in place, it can be challenging to effectively manage and monitor the online presence of political candidates. In a fast-paced digital landscape, it is easy for messages to become inconsistent, leading to confusion among voters and potentially damaging the campaign’s success. Without real-time analytics and competitor analysis, it is difficult to gauge the reach and engagement of followers and competitors, making it challenging to adjust strategies and stay ahead in the competition.


We had the pleasure of being introduced to the Arino GPA Team, who have been dedicated to supporting political campaigns since 2011. From the moment we started working with them, it was clear that they were experts in their field and had a wealth of knowledge to offer. Arino provided us with invaluable tools to monitor the content being generated by the politicians we were supporting, as well as keeping an eye on what content other candidates were sharing. Their online portal made it easy for us to access this information and stay informed about the latest developments in the campaign.

One of the most impressive aspects of working with the Arino team was their ability to help us understand what type of content was resonating with different audiences. By analyzing the engagement levels of various posts and messages, we were able to tailor our approach and ensure that our candidates were connecting with voters in a meaningful way. The content team at Arino was always quick to react to any changes or updates that needed to be made, ensuring that our campaign remained agile and responsive to the needs of the electorate.

One of the things that truly set the Arino team apart was their diverse language capabilities. With members who spoke a variety of languages from across the European Union, we never had to worry about communication barriers or misunderstandings. This made working with them a seamless and efficient process, allowing us to focus on the task at hand without getting bogged down by language issues.

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