Real Estate Agency – Local


As a local real estate agency in a city with 800,000 people and 12 agents, we faced the challenge of effectively covering all aspects of digital marketing. The expertise required, the difficulties in retaining skilled employees, and the constant changes in technology make it challenging to stay ahead in the digital marketing game. Our means of communication, including our website, Meta, X, and LinkedIn, require a high level of expertise to effectively reach our target audience. Additionally, using HighLevel as our CRM platform adds another layer of complexity to our digital marketing efforts. Content creation is a struggle for our team, and competitor analysis is crucial for staying competitive in the market.


Without a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, we risk falling behind our competitors and missing out on valuable leads and opportunities. The lack of expertise in digital marketing, the high turnover rate of skilled employees, and the ever-changing technology landscape make it difficult for us to effectively reach our target audience and grow our business. Our current methods of communication and CRM platform may not be optimized for maximum efficiency, and our content creation efforts may not be resonating with our audience as effectively as we would like. Without a solid competitor analysis strategy, we may not be fully aware of what our competitors are doing and how we can differentiate ourselves in the market.


We reached out to Arino, a leading digital support team, and within weeks they seamlessly integrated all of our digital assets, providing us with a comprehensive view of all our online identities as a real estate agent. This allowed us to analyze the results of our digital marketing efforts on a month-to-month basis over the past 24 months, giving us valuable insights into what was working and what needed improvement. With this newfound knowledge, we were able to develop a consistent posting schedule using templates created by their talented content team, ensuring that our messaging was cohesive and engaging across all platforms.

The impact was immediate – our digital campaigns began generating leads at an unprecedented rate, with all the data seamlessly populating into our High Level CRM system for easy tracking and follow-up.

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